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BOS Minutes 01/03/06

The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 at Memorial Town Hall Auditorium.  First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

Approval of Minutes:  December 19, 2005
Selectman Sibley made a motion to approve the minutes of December 19, 2005 as written.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  

Suzanne McFatter – Grand Lake, LA – Thanks to Lyme and Old Lyme
A thank you letter was received from Suzanne McFatter, a resident of Grand Lake, LA., the area that was destroyed by hurricane Rita. Ms. McFatter thanked the residents of Lyme and Old Lyme for making Santa’s visit possible and her community looks forward to a future relationship with our area.  A second letter was received from Amber Murray of Louisiana also thanking Lyme and Old Lyme for acts of kindness. Lyme Line reporter Claire Kearney spoke about her experience in Louisiana and how volunteers are helping.


Old Business:
Information Technology Committee – Update
Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the Information Technology Committee met on December 23, 2005 with Applied Geographics. The GIS system is on a closed site allowing certain town hall employees hands on to report any problems before it is made available to the public.  The next meeting on January 12, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. will be a financial system demonstration.

Agenda for Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting will be held on January 23, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.  at the Middle School auditorium. Items of discussion will be the acceptance of the Annual Report, the announcement of the Citizen of the Year, a document for the discontinuance of a portion of Ben Franklin Road, a Wetlands ordinance on violations of regulations and fines and hearings for such violations, the WPCA ordinance for the regulation of onsite sewage disposal systems, the parking ordinance modifying the parking regulations to provide for the higher fee structure previously discussed, the consideration of the acceptance of Machnik Drive (near Hatchetts Hill) and Briar Hill Road, and consideration of Atty. Jane Marsh to continue as the representative at the Regional Planning Agency.

Town Woods Projects – Close Out
The building and Phase I at the Town Woods facility is complete with the exception of the following three details: a fence to be constructed on the Knutson property border by Mr. Knutson estimated at $3,000, a port-o-let wooden enclosure estimated at $2,500, and goal mouth mats to protect the grass near the goals and eight sets of soccer nets estimated at $3,000.  The Town Woods Committee will manage the facility, evaluate requests for funds and pass on recommendations to the Park & Rec Committee for approval.  

New Business:
State Police – Replacement for TFC Howes
Although First Selectman Griswold has not received an official notice of Trooper Howes’ replacement, it is understood that Scott O’Donnell will be the town’s new State Trooper.

b.  Officer Milardo Grievance
The State Police called a meeting of all officers to have a frank and candid discussion of issues of importance to all. There was an agreement of a course of action. A few days after the meeting, Officer Milardo filed another grievance referencing the same kind of hostile work environment.  First Selectman Griswold spoke with the town’s labor attorney and Mr. Griswold responded by denying the grievance for lack of specificity.

c.  Honkers – Goose Control – Update
Health Dept Ron Rose and First Selectman Griswold held a meeting with Wendy Pettit, the owner of Honkers.  The Board of Finance was interested in knowing how much goose control is necessary.  Wendy reported that she and her dog come to Old Lyme every day, six days a week to chase the geese and/or addle the eggs.  She is aware of ten nests and feels that if she stops her work, the goose population will quickly increase.  Selectman Sibley stated the residents around the lake have noticed a decrease in the amount of geese.

Park & Rec. – Bath House Repair - Update
Health Dept Ron Rose, Park & Rec Don Bugbee and First Selectman Griswold identified the tasks of repairing the bath houses at Cross Lane, Haines Park and White Sand Beach.
They will be steam cleaned and repaired as needed that will include new stalls, new doors and other necessary carpentry work.  The floors will be sealed with a waterproof treatment, fixtures will be replaced and the insides and outsides will be painted.  A new well will be drilled at Haines Park. Selectman Sibley suggested contacting a firm that specializes in sanitation-type issues, and he said he would be willing to investigate firms for quotes.

6.  Public Comment:

Other Business:
First Selectman Griswold received notification from Gov. Rell’s office that President Bush has authorized Federal disaster assistance for New London County among others as a result of the flooding in October.  Old Lyme will be submitting paperwork to FEMA.

First Selectman Griswold suggested adding Chris Oliveira’s name to the proposed Ethics Committee.  The committee will review the whole subject of an  ethics policy for the town and it will make recommendations to the Selectmen about implementation. Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder stated she also has a potential name but is waiting to hear back. Mr. Griswold suggested that, when formed, the committee contact CCM for information.

First Selectman Griswold received a draft letter to State Representative Giuliano and Senator Stillman from Bob Jose concerning Marine Enforcement Funding.

First Selectman Griswold will call Mr. Garvin concerning Flood and Erosion Commission meeting date.

Executive Session:

Selectwoman Reemsnyder made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Coffee, Clerk